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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Single brain cell's power shown

Creating a new mystery alert!
"There could be enough computing ability in just one brain cell to allow humans and animals to feel, a study suggests...

The Dutch and German study, published in Nature, found that stimulating just one rat neuron could deliver the sensation of touch."
Then why isn't there enough brain power in the entire brain of a fat person to feel when they are getting too fat? Or to give them the sensation of becoming sensible?

Is it:
a. their brain cells are inferior to a rat's
b. the other brain cells get in the way
c. something else
d. all of the above
e. a and b

Now this could become useful research.
"The complexity of the human brain and how it stores countless thoughts, sensations and memories are still not fully understood."
Clearly, this is good reason to let Big Pharma and the sick care industry create and prescribe drugs, especially for fat people since their condition is controllable and reversible sans meds, that work on the brain whose workings they do not understand.

Clearly, this is good reason for fat people to be provided these drugs and at our expense.

Case closed. They seem to have all sides covered.

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