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Friday, September 07, 2007

Ban Ultimate Fighting As Well As Boxing, Says BMA, UK

This is not about the boxing and ultimate fighting thing.

It is about medical killers gone wild.

Here is an example of the pot calling the kettle black, but on steroids.
"'Ultimate fighting can be extremely brutal and has been described as 'human cockfighting'. It can cause traumatic brain injury, joint injuries and fractures.

'This kind of competition hardly constitutes a sport - the days of gladiator fights are over and we should not be looking to resurrect them. As doctors we cannot stand by while violent fighting tournaments are allowed to take place. Large amounts of money can be earned by participants, promoters and others linked to ultimate fighting but no amount of money can compensate for permanent brain damage and premature death. As a civilised society we should be campaigning to outlaw these activities.'"
By the way, sick care is "extremely brutal." Think of what sick care workers do: amputate, medicate, inoculate, exenterate, irradiate, eviscerate, enucleate, to mention a few.

Are you feeling the love and warmth of sick care, yet?

Sick care also "can cause traumatic brain injury, joint injuries and fractures."

All on a mass scale.

Whether I am in favor of or opposed to boxing and/or ultimate fighting is immaterial.

What is material is that these physicians who are:
ruining the lives of millions with their ill-conceived diet advice (yes, the NHS in the UK is as stupid as the rest in their diet recommendations),
mutilating people by the thousands with their unnecessary, unindicated and clearly malpractice, obesity surgeries,
drugging people by the tens or hundreds of thousands with their harmful pills and
killing people by the many, many, many thousands as a result of their recommendations,
have the audacity and unmitigated gall to even suggest that a sports competition where consenting adults knowingly engage in a legal activity should be banned is so farcical it would almost be humorous were it not for the bodies of all the patients and non-patient dieters sacrificed by them in the name of crappy sick care and bad diet advice.

What should be banned are the mass killers of the BMA whose patients stand no chance of surviving their recommendations.
"In 2005 the World Medical Association [WMA] stated that 'Boxing is a dangerous sport. Unlike most other sports, its basic intent is to produce bodily harm in the opponent. Boxing can result in death and produce an alarming incidence of chronic brain injury. For this reason, the WMA recommends that boxing be banned.'"
The carnage of boxing is the needle in the haystack of deaths from expert dieting and diet advice.

It is clearly expert diet advice whose "basic intent is to produce bodily harm." (see here, here, here, here and here and read this and this, for starters.)

Hey, BMA, WMA, *MA, get your own houses in order first.

Until then, shut up.

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