Sadly, none are displayed in this clearly ignorant speech. In fact, this speech is so full of crap and nonsense, you have to wonder if he had a stroke from his own fatness prior to taking the podium.
One has to ask, "If the guy cannot understand the simple matter of overweight and obesity, how will he be able to understand complex matters?"
Likely he will not.
This is an embarrassment. There is so much misinformation and stupidity in this talk that a complete critique would take too much time.
Here are a few points.
"I noticed that none of the other presidential candidates are here today. I know they may not weigh as much as I do, but I still think you should have invited them.Bill is a fat guy. He cannot lead by example. (This is an older image of a "leaner" Bill.)
But, in all seriousness, it's a shame they couldn't join us No matter their weight, every American is affected by this quiet epidemic."

That is a matter of some "seriousness."
"As we all know, the prevalence of obesity in this country has skyrocketed in recent years. Nearly 200 million Americans - two-thirds of our population -- are now considered overweight or obese.Further he fails to recognize that obesity and overweight are not diseases.
The effects of this disease are not cosmetic."
"Make no mistake about it -- this is a critical problem that has the potential to become a nationwide crisis. We must deal with this problem before it is too late. We as a country need to have some long-term vision. We can't afford to continue to put our communities and society at risk.""The potential to become a nationwide crisis" and "before it is too late"?
Has this guy been asleep? (except to awaken for feedings)
"And I pledge to you that when I am President, we will fight obesity every day.If "As we all know, the prevalence of obesity in this country has skyrocketed in recent years. Nearly 200 million Americans - two-thirds of our population -- are now considered overweight or obese," where are the "proven programs" he will "build on"?
Our first step must be making sure that every American has access to affordable, quality health coverage. My health care plan provides a common-sense path to achieve that.
It focuses on the three critical issues of coverage, cost, and care. We build on proven programs that already work for millions of Americans..."
There are none.
"Our next President must take a prominent and public role, joining all of you in your efforts, to increase the public's understanding of obesity and remove the stigma. We must help people understand that it is a disease, not a behavior. And that those of us who are overweight or obese are NOT lazy or undisciplined."In addition to making excuses for his own ventripotence, the nominee wannabe has not the most fundamental of understandings about the matter.
He needs to "increase HIS understanding of obesity."
"We must also eliminate discrimination of those who are overweight. This is an issue of basic civil rights. There are no federal laws that protect obese Americans from discrimination in the workplace, school, or anywhere else This must change.With 100% certainty we know exactly "how to prevent and treat" overweight and obesity.
As President, I will work with Congress to include federal protections for the obese in the Americans for Disabilities Act and by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
We need to dramatically boost our research efforts associated with obesity and we need to involve the NIH, CDC, FDA, USDA, and others. The more we know about obesity, the more we know how to prevent and treat it. It is imperative that we better understand what works to help overweight and obese people improve their health."
Further, who will protect the fit from underwriting the costs of this needless research and new layer of alleged "civil rights" bureaucracy?
This guy wants to protect the majority from the minority!
"As Governor of New Mexico, I've attacked this problem head-on."Bull, Bill.
Look at his body. He certainly has no idea how to "attack the problem head-on" for himself and as per the above, has no idea of the problem, period.
"We also need to ask adults to consider what they can do within their own lives to reduce obesity and its effects. Obesity is not a behavior, but we can adopt lifestyle choices -- such as exercising and eating right - that can mitigate obesity and obesity-related diseases.""Not a behavior" and "adopting lifestyle choices" will have an effect to reduce obesity?
Bill needs courses in logic and integrity.
"Of course, many Americans do care about their weight and their health -- this is not just about willpower.There is no tool of medicine that will work in the matter of overweight and obesity since they are not medical problems.
Americans and their doctors need the right tools, information, and incentives to make healthy choices and treatment decisions -- and that means that the food and fitness industries, the insurance companies, the schools and government, the individuals and families, all have to do their part. If we work together, we can end this epidemic."
If not being dead prematurely, avoiding cardiovascular disease, not getting diabetes and participating more fully in life are inadequate "incentives," what does Bill propose?
Maybe free pizza, beer and desserts.
Bill is just pandering to his audience and the fat majority as he sucks for votes.
"I'm proud of my record as Governor in fighting obesity..."Pity pride comes so cheaply.
And if he gets the nod for VP, remember this fellow is only a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.
"All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome." George Orwell
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